There are many features present in some games that improve your video gaming experience that may sometimes not be present in many upcoming games. Sometimes, this leaves you wondering if game developers ever learn from previous game releases. Here are some of the few features we hope make it into every PC game from now on.
April 14, 2010
April 11, 2010
What we know of the next Red Orchestra.
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 is a great multiplayer shooter game that has been relying on digital distribution on steam for sales, and unlike your typical FPS, it has many realistic elements. The game was released on March 26, 2006 and currently holds a solid metascore of 81%, but what may surprise you is that there is a sequel currently in the making, Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad which will run on the Unreal Engine 3. In light of this, it would be a good idea to be familiar with the upcoming game’s features.
April 9, 2010
Why are PC Gamers paying $60 now?
"$100 buck? Damn, I guess I'm just getting the standard edition which is $5...WTF $60 bucks??
It all started when Activision had the audacity to start charging $60 for the PC version of Modern Warfare 2. Activision realized that after the success of Modern Warfare, they can pretty much charge any amount they please for the sequel and PC gamers would still flock to buy it. Of Course, if you’re into the multiplayer aspect of Modern Warfare 2, then the game comes packed with hundreds of hours of game play, so it’s safe to assume that Activision, somehow, got away with it, but when Assassin’s Creed 2, a single player game with absolutely no multiplayer and a horrible DRM that serves to punish legit buyers, is selling for $60 and the upcoming standard editions of Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 are also selling for $60 too, things have gotten too far ,and we can see that a new trend is emerging.
It all started when Activision had the audacity to start charging $60 for the PC version of Modern Warfare 2. Activision realized that after the success of Modern Warfare, they can pretty much charge any amount they please for the sequel and PC gamers would still flock to buy it. Of Course, if you’re into the multiplayer aspect of Modern Warfare 2, then the game comes packed with hundreds of hours of game play, so it’s safe to assume that Activision, somehow, got away with it, but when Assassin’s Creed 2, a single player game with absolutely no multiplayer and a horrible DRM that serves to punish legit buyers, is selling for $60 and the upcoming standard editions of Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 are also selling for $60 too, things have gotten too far ,and we can see that a new trend is emerging.
April 8, 2010
Natal,Move? I'll just get the Novint Falcon.
With the upcoming release of Project Natal and Playstation Move, I’ve been wondering if such “advancements” in the gaming world have already been surpassed on the PC platform. Sure, Natal and Move are set to redefine what it is to play games on the consoles, and that’s great and all, but let’s be serious, a device like Natal would not work well on the PC platform mainly because Natal needs 13 feet of space in order to work to its full potential and considering the relative distance between the monitor and the average PC gamer, that fact completely nullifies any chance we’ll see it on the PC anytime soon. Well, that’s where the Novint Falcon comes in.
April 6, 2010
List of Worthwhile Paid games that were released for Free on the internet.
Bored? Out of Cash? Well, many games were once paid but were released free and legally on the internet, and we have compiled the ones worth your time.

Savage 2 - Tortured Soul
Genre: Fantasy First-Person Shooter
Release Date: Jan 16, 2008
Full Spectrum Warrior
Genre: Real-Time-Tactics
Release Date: Sept 21, 2004

Far Cry
Genre: First-Person Shooter
Release Date: Mar 23, 2004

Genre: Action Adventure
Release date: Nov 30, 2003

Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Genre: Real Time Strategy
Release Date: Oct 31, 1996

The Elder Scrolls II:Daggerfall
Genre: RPG
Release Date: Aug 13, 1996

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Genre: Real Time Strategy
Release Date: Aug 27, 1999

Genre: Adventure
Release Date: Feb 22, 2007
The Suffering

Genre: Horror
Release Date: Jun 8, 2004
F.E.A.R Combat
Genre: FPS Multiplayer
Release Date: Aug 17, 2006
Genre: Real-Time-Strategy
Release Date: Mar 23, 2009
Genre: Role Playing
Release Date: Sep 30,1997
Quake Live
Genre: First-Person-Shooter
Release Date: Feb 24, 2009

Savage 2 - Tortured Soul
Genre: Fantasy First-Person Shooter
Release Date: Jan 16, 2008

Genre: Real-Time-Tactics
Release Date: Sept 21, 2004

Far Cry
Genre: First-Person Shooter
Release Date: Mar 23, 2004

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Release date: Nov 30, 2003

Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Genre: Real Time Strategy
Release Date: Oct 31, 1996

The Elder Scrolls II:Daggerfall
Genre: RPG
Release Date: Aug 13, 1996

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Genre: Real Time Strategy
Release Date: Aug 27, 1999

Sam &Max Episode 104:Abe Lincoln Must Die!
Release Date: Feb 22, 2007
The Suffering

Genre: Horror
Release Date: Jun 8, 2004

Genre: FPS Multiplayer
Release Date: Aug 17, 2006
Genre: Real-Time-Strategy
Release Date: Mar 23, 2009

Genre: Role Playing
Release Date: Sep 30,1997

Genre: First-Person-Shooter
Release Date: Feb 24, 2009
April 4, 2010
4 more PC games that gave the middle finger to PC gamers.
This entry is a continuation of this article: 4 PC games that gave the middle finger to PC gamers.
Whether or not the developers of these games voluntarily intended to enrage PC gamers, we might never know, but one thing is for sure, they sure piss us off.
4. Duke Nukem Forever.
"His name is Duke, and he has the best second name on the planet."
Whether or not the developers of these games voluntarily intended to enrage PC gamers, we might never know, but one thing is for sure, they sure piss us off.
4. Duke Nukem Forever.
"His name is Duke, and he has the best second name on the planet."
April 2, 2010
Why you should start playing Age of Conan RIGHT NOW.
Most of you know Age of Conan as the MMORPG that, well, was unplayable at launch and the MMORPG that has both the unique combat system and the best graphics, but ultimately fell flat on its face because of the absolutely limited amount of content that rapidly declined as you progressed your way past level 20. Well I’m here to tell you that if there is one thing this game proves is that bad games on release DO, over time, get better. Funcom has released many updates that have altered the game, such as the addition of many instances and a whole region. In fact, a significant update was released a couple of days ago to improve the PVP aspect of the game, so, in light of this, I will be running down the reasons on why you should start playing this game right now!
There is a free trial available.
There is a free trial available.
April 1, 2010
4 upcoming PC games that will most likely crush your current system.
Instead of touting what your state-of-the-art computer can do, we, here at Grand Theft PC, love playing the devil’s advocate so much that we will be celebrating what your computer cannot do. Indeed, one would start to think that the writer of this blog has gone mad and is writing complete jargon, however, that is not true, for it is imperative that my fellow PC gamers receive a healthy dose of a reality check. Thus, we will be listing the 4 upcoming games that will most likely crush your state-of-the-art system.
Project Offset
Project Offset
March 30, 2010
List of upcoming and worthwhile PC exclusive games
Note: it is important to note that these are not all the upcoming PC exclusives but the ones with the most hype surrounding them.
Diablo 3
Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty
Diablo 3
Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty
March 28, 2010
4 Reasons to reconsider upgrading your PC.
With the release of Nvidia's latest flagship cards, I, and many other PC gamers, have been bombarded with the same old enticing phrases, such as “The World’s fastest graphics card”, that have come to play with our desires, but with advent of unoptimized games lately and the fact that the last major release of a graphic milestone was in 2007, are these top-of-the-line hardware really necessary? Nope. Why?
An 8800gtx can still max out games today.
" Your best purchase ever!"
An 8800gtx can still max out games today.
" Your best purchase ever!"
March 27, 2010
List of Quad Core optimized games.
Note:It is important to note that these games offer a serious performance increase when upgrading to a quad core from a dual core,and not from a triple core.
World in Conflict (confirmed)
The list is outdated. If you are aware of any other games that grant a hefty boost to FPS using a quad core, please add the name in the comment section.
1. ARMA 2 (confirmed)
Aliens vs Predators (unconfirmed)
Aliens vs Predators (unconfirmed)
Anno 1404 (confirmed)
Anno 1404 (confirmed)
Assassin's Creed 2 (unconfirmed)
Assassin's Creed 2 (unconfirmed)
Batman Arkham Asylum (confirmed)
Batman Arkham Asylum (confirmed)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 (confirmed)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 (confirmed)
Brother in Arms: Hells Highway (confirmed)
Brother in Arms: Hells Highway (confirmed)
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (unconfirmed)
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (unconfirmed)
Call of Duty World at War (confirmed)
Call of Duty World at War (confirmed)
Company of Heroes series (confirmed)
Company of Heroes series (confirmed)
Devil May Cry 4 (confirmed)
Devil May Cry 4 (confirmed)
DIRT 2 (confirmed)
DIRT 2 (confirmed)
DIRT (unconfirmed)
DIRT (unconfirmed)
Dragon Age: Origins (confirmed)
Dragon Age: Origins (confirmed)
Empire Total War (patch 1.3) (unconfirmed)
Empire Total War (patch 1.3) (unconfirmed)
Far Cry 2 (confirmed)
Far Cry 2 (confirmed)
Flight Simulator x (confirmed)
Flight Simulator x (confirmed)
Football Manager 2010 (unconfirmed)
Football Manager 2010 (unconfirmed)
future Source Engine games(confirmed)
future Source Engine games(confirmed)
future Unreal Engine 3 games(confirmed)
future Unreal Engine 3 games(confirmed)
Grand Theft Auto IV (confirmed)
Grand Theft Auto IV (confirmed)
GRID (confirmed)
GRID (confirmed)
HAWX (confirmed)
HAWX (confirmed)
Left 4 Dead 2 (confirmed)
Left 4 Dead 2 (confirmed)
Left 4 Dead (confirmed)
Left 4 Dead (confirmed)
Lost Planet 2(confirmed)
Lost Planet 2(confirmed)
Lost Planet (confirmed)
Lost Planet (confirmed)
Medal of Honor Airborne (confirmed)
Medal of Honor Airborne (confirmed)
Operation Flashpoint 2:Dragon Rising (unconfirmed)
Operation Flashpoint 2:Dragon Rising (unconfirmed)
Prince of Persia (unconfirmed)
Prince of Persia (unconfirmed)
Prototype (confirmed)
Prototype (confirmed)
Red Faction: Guerrilla (unconfirmed)
Red Faction: Guerrilla (unconfirmed)
Resident Evil 5 (confirmed)
Resident Evil 5 (confirmed)
Shattered horizon (confirmed)
Shattered horizon (confirmed)
Stranglehold (confirmed)
Stranglehold (confirmed)
Supreme Commander 2 (confirmed)
Supreme Commander 2 (confirmed)
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance (confirmed)
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance (confirmed)
Supreme Commander (confirmed)
Supreme Commander (confirmed)
The Last Remnant (unconfirmed)
The Last Remnant (unconfirmed)
The Sims 3 (confirmed)
The Sims 3 (confirmed)
Tomb Raider Underworld (unconfirmed)
Tomb Raider Underworld (unconfirmed)
Unreal Tournament 3 (confirmed)
Unreal Tournament 3 (confirmed)
World in Conflict (confirmed)
The list is outdated. If you are aware of any other games that grant a hefty boost to FPS using a quad core, please add the name in the comment section.
March 26, 2010
7 PC games that run noticeably better on Quad Core CPUs.
Although many PC gamer already has a quad core CPU, many popularPCgames, such as Crysis, do not take advantage of all the available cores. In fact, only a handful of games do, which leads us to the question as to why should we invest in a quad core when a dual core would suffice. Thus, in order to justify the purchase of a Quad Core, we list the 7 games that best take advantage of Quad Core CPUs.
In this list, we will compare the E6600 to the Q6600 because the difference is just the addition of two cores to the Q6600. We will also specify a percent increase in order to compensate for the differences in resolution and graphic cards among systems.
March 19, 2010
4 PC games that gave the middle finger to PC Gamers.
PC gamers usually have the fortune of playing video games with better graphics, higher resolution and better support compared to their console brethren. However, sometimes a game, be it a port or a PC exclusive, comes out to shatter our faith in PC gaming. Thus, we list the top 4 games that did exactly that.
4. Resident Evil 4
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